
      • Motivate men to Live Longer HEALTHY
      • Help men reverse their physical age by five, ten, fifteen or more years
      • Educate men on the proper exercises, nutrition and super foods
      • Reach a million CDN men that need a little boost to get healthy
      • Set up 1000 disciples across 10 provinces to set an example
      • Approach major corporations and the 3 levels of government for grants in exchange for a positive ROI
      • Provide a membership to keep account of those that have taken up the challenge successfully

In setting up the organization, the plan is to reach a round number of one million men through round tables, social media (including television and radio) and other events. Realistically about 10% of men will make lifestyle changes; e.g., losing weight, eating healthier, becoming more active and dropping some bad habits. With the support of disciples across the country, the lives of 100,000 men may be changed. These 100,000 men will in turn have an influence on their families and friends.

The ROI for participating companies and governments who provide grants would be encouraging their staff to become healthier and save millions as a result of an energetic work force that would see a reduced number of sick days and probably better productivity. See sample ball park figures below.

CORP (S): 10 personnel x $1k saving in annual health costs = $10K; 20 years = $200K

GOV’T(S):  1000 personnel = $20M; 10,000 personnel = $200M; 100,000 personnel = $2 billion